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Lower Eyelid - Transcutanous (External) Movie


    • Eyelids (and your eyes)  are, perhaps, what other people notice originally.
    • Eyelid surgery to improve the appearance of the eyelids is often called 'eyelift' or 'blepharoplasty'.

Lower Eyelid Blepharoplasty. 

  • This can be performed via an skin incision (trans-cutaneous) or via the inside of the eyelid (trans-conjunctival).
  • Lower Blepharoplasty reduces excess fat in the lower eyelids.
  • The excess fat is removed and incisions are closed with fine sutures.
  • Incisions made on the inside of the eyelids are not visible.
  • Incisions made on the outside of the lower eyelids are barely visible and fade over time.





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